“Having been on the journey herself, Ruth combines practical tools with compassionate support and genuine insight into the daily challenges of supporting a loved one with an eating disorder. The programme is well structured and enabled me to gain additional skills quickly and easily compared to the previous two years' lived experience and reading. I feel more confident and resourced to support my family member effectively and have enjoyed the opportunity to share and learn from others in a small and trusted group. I would strongly recommend both Ruth and this programme to anyone who is struggling with the emotional and practical aspects of supporting someone with an eating disorder.”
“I'll be honest, I really wasn't sure that I needed to participate in this course. My child had only shown minor indicators of suffering with an eating disorder, after all. Compared to the other challenges (severe anxiety and self-harming) they were dealing with, would my time, energy and, yes, money, be best used here?
12 weeks on and I am SO glad I committed.
The programme has given me the tools to confidently engage with my daughter on all of these challenging areas. It has opened my mind to alternative approaches, especially when tensions are rising between us. Indeed, less than halfway through the course, my child opened up to me explaining that they had been acting in both an anorexic and bulimic way over the previous few years. Something I had no idea about. Without this course, I wouldn't have had that conversation and would still be in the dark.
Finally, I have really appreciated committing to just 90mins a week for me. For me to be a better parent. I underestimated how much this element would mean to me. As a single parent divorcee, I often worry that I am not doing enough for my children, or could be parenting better. Simply knowing I was actively doing something to help me in helping my child has been incredibly gratifying.
Thank you, Ruth. Thanks very much.”
A Dad’s Perspective
“It's been brilliant, it's helped so much.It's been so nice to be able to discuss all my concerns and find different strategies for dealing with particularly situations. It's made me feel much more calm. reassured, and less alone in dealing with it, too.”
“I wanted to say a huge and massive thank you for all that your coaching has done for me.
The way you intuitively coach is just amazing, I've worked with, and had a lot of coaching and you are in my top 3 of coaches who have impacted massively and changed my life.
Were it not for you I would not have the amazing relationship I now have as I was ready to give up and walk away and repeat the same pattern again. You taught me to look at things in a whole new way that was completely different to how most people work. It was so refreshing and the best part was although I was unsure about it I trusted you, tried what you were teaching and IT WORKED! And it didn't just work it blew me away and made things happen for me far quicker than I could have imagined possible. And working on my relationship and my self esteem didn't just make those things better it made every aspect of my life better.
I feel blessed to have you in my life and would happily recommend you to anyone as I know that if they work with you their happiness levels will transform to many levels higher than they are at now! ”