Why coaching?

We All Need Support…

If you are reading this, I am guessing something is not working in your life right now:

  • Perhaps it is with your relationships. You wonder if you and your partner still have anything in common; you have been frustrated with your kids lately, and work feels like a complete drain.

  • Maybe you have a rubbish relationship with food, and you don’t much like yourself.

  • Perhaps you feel overwhelmed with things you ‘should’ do but frequently don’t know where to start.

  • It could be that you do some things ok, but if you are honest with yourself, you haven’t lived up to your own expectations.

  • I wonder if you have had stretches when you don’t feel ok. You often feel like a failure, and anxiety has become a part of your life.

How are you feeling?

I suspect you are feeling tired; regularly tell yourself off; and oscillate between being resigned to where you are and thinking you should pull yourself together and get on with things. There was a time when you thought you could do something worthwhile, but now you have mostly given up because real life has gotten in the way of your dreams.


The first step to working with a coach can feel daunting. Most people don’t take that step. Even admitting you would like to or need to may add to your feelings of failure. I honour you for considering it, and I will make the journey as easy as possible.

Research tells us…

The most important part of working with a coach or therapist is feeling safe and like it is the right fit. We will have a short conversation where I answer any questions you have, and you get a chance to see if it feels right for you.


Freedom and choice are my highest values, so you get those in abundance from me. You can have a one-off session with me, but I see that people get the most out of coaching when they commit to themselves over a period of time. I offer a range of packages so that there will be one to suit just what you need.


The best way to work with me if you can get to the Cardiff area is outside walking. This is a beautiful way to be coached. You will feel safe, supported and well. The experience of being outside will help you to understand the things that have been missing. Coaching will make your life easier, not harder.

It is possible to ignore this…

You can carry on doing nothing about how you feel. What I see in the people around me is neglecting how you feel and the things that don’t work for you eventually lead to physical symptoms, physical pain, discomfort and illness. Taking responsibility for how you feel is the most generous thing you can do for the people around you.

When you feel well and energised, life will be better for everyone you care about. You can only make a difference for other people when you take care of yourself first. Anything else is unsustainable.

What you will get…

All of my clients feel happier after working with me. You will feel mentally stronger and start to feel like your life is working. Your relationships will get better both with themselves and with other people. This means you will have more energy, stop beating yourself up, and it will be easy to do the things you want to do.

If you would like to have more energy, feel emotionally lighter, enjoy your relationships or actually like yourself, then book a call with me now to find out if I feel like the right fit for you.

Freedom and happiness are possible if you take this first step.

There may be a few things in the way…

  • You feel like you shouldn’t need this. Most people cope without extra help: Find me a successful person who doesn’t have a coach or mentor. None of us are designed to go it alone. Getting the proper support is the simplest way to have the life you want.

  • You feel like you can’t justify spending money on this. I get that. Everything is a choice, and there are loads of things in life that need money. This is a question of priorities. When you ask yourself, ‘Is it important to be happy and well,’ if the answer is yes, what value do you put on it? If your life were working right now, you wouldn’t be worried about the money.

  • You already feel overwhelmed, and there is no time to do anything else. 24 hours a day is what we all have. When you work with me, you will find that you do have enough time. The time and energy you are currently spending because stuff feels so hard will free you up to do more of what you want.

What some of my clients have said: